artedoc member of womens business in BulgariaAs of May 1st, we are officially full members of the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria!

We share the idea that the way we change the business environment in Bulgaria is through the exchange of good practices and innovative ideas.

We are glad to be part of this community!
Published: 20 June 2023 Hits: 397
We are very excited that for Labor Day arte.doc is organizing a teambuilding event, because we believe that success is achieved together with like-minded people.

"In the business world, important things are not done by one person. They are done by a group of people." Steve Jobs.

🎉 Therefore, from the 29th of April until the 2nd of May, Arte.Doc will be celebrating!
On April 29, 2022 (Friday) only our Vitoshka office will be open and will work with clients.
And on May 2, 2022 (Monday) both of our offices will be closed.

We will be here for you and your translation needs again on the 3rd of May (Tuesday), full of energy and eager to work together again!

Days off in May 2022 artedoc
Published: 20 April 2022 Hits: 700
Easter opening hours 2022 - Bulgarian translation agency arte.doc
Published: 15 April 2022 Hits: 735
Мартеници с кауза 2022 Преводи Арте.ДокFor a third year in a row, we from translation agency arte.doc are happy to join the charity campaign "Martenitsi with a cause".
The campaign is organized by the Folklore Dance Club "Enyovche" and the organisation "Give Love".

Martenitsa is part of a Bulgarian tradition, celebrated on the 1st of March - Baba Marta (Granny March). On this day, bulgarians give each other bracelets or brooches made of red and white thread - symbols for health, happiness, the end of winter and the coming of spring.

The funds raised from the sale of martenitsas will be donated to the Department of Pediatric Surgery at "St. Anna ” hospital in Varna. The department needs to purchase a FIRE-XEL laser system, which will make it possible to perform minimally invasive surgical interventions.

You can join the campaign by buying a martenitsa from our offices in Sofia, or by supporting the campaign on the Facebook page of the organizers here -

The martenitsas are handmade by dancers and friends of Folklore Dance Club "Enyovche" and are made of wood and wool. This year, the organizers have yet again made different models of martenitsas with traditional Bulgarian motifs.
The price in our offices is 3 BGN/piece.

Translation agency arte.doc is a guarantor that the amount, collected from the purchased martenitsas in our offices will be transferred to the organization.
Published: 22 February 2022 Hits: 686
Translation agency arte.doc - Office Zhendov new opening hours

In order to make it easier for our clients to complete their translation ang legalization tasks, from today, February 16, 2022, office Zhendov will have new opening hours - from 08:00 to 18:00.
This way you can visit our office before or after work, every weekday, without a break.

You can contact the office by phone: +359 894 773 803 or by email:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a free consultation about your translation and legalization case.

If you want to save time and effort, you can also place an online order for translation and legalization through our translation calculator.
You can read about the process in our article on the 3 easy steps to make an onlne order.
Published: 16 February 2022 Hits: 668
Partnership MKA Finance and translation agency arte.docIf you have to file an annual tax return and you are looking for someone to help you in the sea of ​​accounting firms, we at arte.doc can recommend the accounting firm MKA Finance.

For our translators, clients and partners, MKA Finance provides a special offer - 10% discount for the preparation and submitting of an annual tax return.

To take advantage of this offer and our recommendation, you need to contact the accounting firm at +359 885 307 469 and provide them with the following code: "ARTE".

Our goal for 2022 is to help our clients not only by assisting them with their cases related to language translation, but also when they are in need of other services. This we will do by recommending partner businesses for which we guarantee the quality of the service.

For more information, visit the website of our partners from MCA Finance -
Published: 09 February 2022 Hits: 667
Special offer for translations of annual financial reports - Bulgarian translation agency Arte.Doc Quality translations always meeting the deadline!
Since the dealine for the submission of the Annual Financial Reports in Bulgaria is approaching, and with our aim to help our clients with their work, without wasting valuable time, in February we give you a Special offer for 10% discount on translations of Annual Financial Reports and all balance sheets.

The offer is valid for translations from and into the First language group - English, German, French, Italian and Russian languages.
The offer is valid only for standard orders. A standard order means the translation of up to 5 translation pages is performed in maximum 2 (two) business days.
With this offer, in February you can quickly and easily translate your important financial documents, while saving time and money.

You can take advantage of this offer in any of our offices, as well as when placing an Online order for translation
All you have to do is select from the dropdown menu "Type of document", the option - "Accounting balances". Then automatically, your discount will be calculated and will be visible on the right side of your screen.

Our Online ordering system, consisting of 3 easy steps, allows you to:
     1.   Submit your document for translation online in various file formats - word, pdf, excel, jpeg, png, etc.;
     2.   Calculate the price with the discount and make a secure payment;
     3.   Receive your documents in the preferred way - by courier, from our offices, or online.
Order now - online translation and legalizationWe offer free consultation on tel .: +359 897 070 485 or at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Published: 02 February 2022 Hits: 693
Агенция за преводи Арте.Док сертифицирана по ISO18587

To be able to answer to our clients' needs for flexible translation services, adaptable to different timeframes and budgets, we from Bulgarian translation agency arte.doc made one more step towards technological innovations in the world of translations.

As of the beginning of the new 2022, arte.doc is the first translation agency in Bulgaria that has been certified for "Machine Translation Post-Editing" in accordance to the ISO certificate 18587:2019, in addition to our certification for translation services BDS ISO 17100:2015 and the standard for quality of the work processes ISO 9001:2015.

The auditor for ISO 9001/18587 is the world leader in international certification, the organization Bureau Veritas.

In addition to being the first agency in the country to achieve this, we can happily share that as of 2022 we are also chosen as one of the primary subcontractors to the European commission for Machine translation post-editing from and into Bulgarian language.

During the first months of this year, we will be sharing the characteristics of machine translation and post-editing - the different types of post-editing that exists and the benefits it presents to our clients, through a series of informative and helpful articles.

If you would like to learn more about how using these technological innovations can save your company time and money between 10% and 30%, contact us for free consultation at:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Together we discover new horizons!
Published: 05 January 2022 Hits: 746
In December, we from translation agency arte.doc organized a charity campaign related to the charity foundation "For The Good".

Throughout the entire month of December, 10% of each online order for translation were set aside to be donated to the foundation.

We are happy to share that our clients, that used our online ordering system, together with the employees of arte.doc contributed to the donation of 300 BGN to the charity projects #ForTheGood and #Svetulka. The money will be used to create a better, more friendly and colourful healing atmosphere in the pediatric departments in hospitals around Bulgaria.

For the cause of the Good Foundation and its projects, you can read on the Facebook page here - Project #ForTheGood.

If you want to support and donate to this cause, you can do so on the following account:
Reiffeinsen Bank (Bulgaria)
IBAN number: BG91RZBB91551012773591

Published: 03 January 2022 Hits: 636
Holiday opening hours december 2021
Published: 13 December 2021 Hits: 781

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