10% off our Premium package for legalization of documents of completed education
Do you need translation and legalization of your education certificates? Are you planning to apply in a university abroad and need translation and legalization of your diploma? Do you want to receive quality service without wasting time?
We are here to assist you in the translation and legalization of your education and qualification certificates, diplomas, academic transcrips, etc. and in June you get the Premium Package for legalization of Bulgarian educational documents with an additional discount of 10%.
Our Premium Package includes apostille of the document and legalization of the translation. The package also includes all state fees, 25% discount for the package, as well as 5% discount on the price of the translation, as well as reduces the timeframe for execution by 8 working days. And in June you will receive all these bonuses with an additional 10% discount.
By getting the Premium Package in June 2021, you'll receive the following benefits:
• you'll save time and effort;
• you'll avoid unneccessary trips to offices and institutions;
• you'll save money.
With our system of 3 safe steps for online orders you can:
1. Submit your document for translation and legalization online;
2. Calculate the price and make a secure payment;
3. Receive your documents in the most convenient way for you.
* Important! The original of the document is required for legalization. You can bring the original to one of our offices or send it to us by courier.
The additional discount, valid in June, will be charged by an operator after submitting the online order.

• Free consultation;
• Guaranteed quality translation ;
• Adherence to the deadline;
• Security of the information provided.
What makes us different?
• We have created a unique ARTE 5E system: "Guaranteed quality translation", thanks to our 21 years of experience;
• Our ERP system for order management Arte-Manager, where each translation has its own unique number, to which the correct translator, terminology editor and the specific time limit for execution are assigned;
• All our translators go through a step-by-step approval process - by documents (diplomas, certificates, etc., certifying completed education and/or acquired professional qualification) and a practical test (checking their skills and experience through trial translations);
• Ensuring the security of the information provided by the client, by using our own servers, located outside the company's premises. All our translators and staff have signed privacy statements;
• We have developed an online ordering system that simplifies the process for submitting, paying and receiving the finished documents.
• A newly launched mobile version of our online calculator to make it easier for our customers to place orders safely, through their mobile phone, tablet and laptop.
You can order and pay online here.