To be able to answer to our clients' needs for flexible translation services, adaptable to different timeframes and budgets, we from Bulgarian translation agency arte.doc made one more step towards technological innovations in the world of translations.
As of the beginning of the new 2022, arte.doc is the first translation agency in Bulgaria that has been certified for "Machine Translation Post-Editing" in accordance to the ISO certificate 18587:2019, in addition to our certification for translation services BDS ISO 17100:2015 and the standard for quality of the work processes ISO 9001:2015.
The auditor for ISO 9001/18587 is the world leader in international certification, the organization Bureau Veritas.
In addition to being the first agency in the country to achieve this, we can happily share that as of 2022 we are also chosen as one of the primary subcontractors to the European commission for Machine translation post-editing from and into Bulgarian language.
During the first months of this year, we will be sharing the characteristics of machine translation and post-editing - the different types of post-editing that exists and the benefits it presents to our clients, through a series of informative and helpful articles.
If you would like to learn more about how using these technological innovations can save your company time and money between 10% and 30%, contact us for free consultation at:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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