Most companies have trouble getting their translations on time and with their specific terminology. We solve these problems through established ISO procedures, we guarantee the security of the information provided following GDPR standards, and we maintain the specific terminology of your business thanks to the developed by us ARTE 5E system.

What distinguishes us from other agencies is:
- Personally developed ARTE 5E system "Guaranteed quality translation", thanks to our 21 years of experience;
- ERP system for managing translation orders, in wich every translation has its own unique identification number, under which the correct translator, terminological editor and time frame are specified;
- We have built and accumulated a large number of profiled terminological databases in various business sectors;
- We have created a system for translations, which allows for shortening deadlines and reducing prices for similar texts;
- We guarantee security of the information provided by the client, by using on our own secure servers, located outside of our offices;
- We save our clients time through an online ordering system, which simplifies the process and gives you the opportunity to focus on your work, without the need to come to our offices;
- We provide current infomation and free consultation for translations and legalization of documents at: 0893 457 698 or at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Our story
We started in 2000 as a typical translation agency, working with individual and corporate clients in only 4 languages. Many times, clients came looking for a solution to their problem caused by information leaks, delays and incorrect translations, and we had to help by editing or translating again.
Then in 2005, my brother and I, as partners in the company, decided to use our engineering skills and knowledge to create a workflow system of templates, checklists and procedures that made it easier for us to manage the translation process. The creation of the workflow system brought benefits for us as optimization of the process of accepting orders and facilitation of the logistics forlegalizing documents. This also meant better results for our clients. We became faster in terms of translation, we increased the quality by including editors in the process and we created security measures for the information provided by our clients through additional confidentiality procedures. All these procedures, which are still relevant and used today, we integrated long before we became ISO certified.
We developed our first ERP order management system, with which each translation had its own unique identification number, to which the correct translator and terminology editor are assigned, and the specific time limit for execution is determined.
In 2008 we were the first company in Bulgaria to purchase the SDL Trados software in order for multiple translators to be able to work on one project at a time. We started to accumulate a terminological database in specific areas of work. This way we save our customers time and provide the opportunity to reduce the price of repetitive texts.
After the implementation of the work system ISO 9001:2015 and certification according to the European standard for translation services ISO 15100, subsequently amended to ISO 17100:2015, we have certainly made our service even more reliable, meeting the requirements of our clients to receive their translations (now in over 35 language combinations) in the agreed deadline, to receive a reliable translation in the specific terminology and to maintain the confidentiality of the information provided.
Thanks to all these standards, approaches and systems, 21 years later our clients feel confident that the translation projects provided are of the highest standard, and that sensitive personal and company information will be preserved. We are now even more motivated and committed to helping as many people as possible get these benefits.

Why arte.doc?
- We are leaders on the translation services market in Bulgaria and we have established long-term, fruitful partnerships with a number of public and private organizations in the country and abroad.
- The European Commission, the Translation Center for the Bodies of the European Union, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Council of Ministers, Ministries, state authorities and structures, national and international companies and corporations are amongst our clients.
- We translate from and into 35 languages and use computer-assisted translation software (CAT tools).
- We are authorized by the Consular Relations Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to issue translations which are legalized by the Ministry.
- Our Working Process and Quality Management System are certified for compliance with standards BDS ЕN 17100:2015-05, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.
- We are a member in the National Association of the Translation Agencies in Bulgaria (NATA) and in the European Language Industry Association (ELIA).
- Our services are at prices consistent with the market conditions, and in events of large projects we provide discounts, which are subject of individual negotiation.
- We can help you to solidify, upgrade and develop your business and enter new markets.
- You will find us a reliable partner, established at a national and European level.
You can contact us by phone, email, or in our online chat here.
Invoice information: Arte.Dоc EOOD, UIC (Identification Number): 131303612, Address: 1000 Sofia, 23, Vitosha blvd., Property Accountable Person: Tanya Karabasheva, VAT No BG131303612