You can calculate and pay for translation and legalization in our online calculator HERE.

When do you need to translate and legalize a document?
If it is necessary to present a document issued by one country to authorities, institutions, or agencies in another country, it is most often necessary to translate and legalize the document.
The translation is performed by an authorized translator in the respective language, who puts their signature, certifying its authenticity. Certifications of translations are performed by the Consular Relations Directorate at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Bulgarian documents or by a Notary for foreign documents.
For example: if you are applying to study abroad, it is common practice for the university to require your diploma to be translated and legalized, as a guarantee that the document is authentic and has legal force. Read more on our page for Translation and legalization of a diploma.

How is a document translation and legalisation performed?
The process of translation and legalization of a document is divided into two main types, depending on whether the document is issued by a Bulgarian or a foreign institution.
Translation and legalization of a document issued by Bulgarian institutions
To translate and legalize a Bulgarian document, it is necessary for:
- The document to bear the necessary stamps and certifications. More information about your specific document can be found in our FAQ section.
- The translation of the document to be performed by an authorized translator and to meet the requirements of the Consular Relations Directorate at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Our service for translation and legalization of Bulgarian documents is performed in the following stages:
- We certify the document in the relevant administration or ministry — for example: For translation and legalization of a birth certificate, it must receive an Apostille from the District Administration. However, getting an Apostille on a criminal record certificate can only be done at the Ministry of Justice.
- We translate your document and print the translation on our form, with the company seal and the signature of a certified translator.
- We attach the translation with the certified document. Thus prepared, we submit this set of documents to the Consular Relations Directorate at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where the translation is certified.

Translation and legalization of documents issued by foreign institutions
To translate and legalize a foreign document, it is necessary for:
- The document to bear the necessary stamps and certifications, according to the Regulations on Legalizations, Certifications and Translations of Documents.
For example: Documents issued by countries that have signed the 1961 Hague Convention must have an Apostille affixed by the issuing country. You can read more information about the different options on our Legalization page here. - The translation must have been performed by an authorized translator or translation agency. The translator appears before a notary and personally certifies the translation made by him, guaranteeing its accuracy.
Our service for translation and legalization of foreign documents is performed in the following stages:
- We translate your document and print it on our company seal form, in our capacity of an authorized translation agency.
- We attach the translation with the document. We organize the appearance of the translator at a time reserved by us before a notary, where according to Article 18(2) the translator certifies the accuracy of the translation.

What else can we help you with?
In addition to being able to do the whole translation and legalization process for you, saving you time and effort, we help with always free consultation with up-to-date information.
Our free consultation will answer all your questions, and our experts are always aware of the current legal provisions and amendments to the legalization process.
You can submit your documents for translation and legalization in each of our offices, as well as through the Online Order Platform on our website.
No matter where you are in Bulgaria, you can send us your document by courier, and we will take care of the translation and legalization and get it back in the time you need.
What is the deadline for the translation and legalization of a document?
If your document is issued by a Bulgarian institution, it is first certified with an Apostille, and the translation is certified at the second stage, often in a different institution, with different possible deadlines for legalization.
Our packages are tailored in price and time to the fees and deadlines of the institutions; and when submitting your order, we will inform you about the different options available.
When translating and legalizing a foreign document, we provide three different options:
- Standard order
- Quick order
- Express order
How much does the service for translation and legalization of a document cost?
During the document legalization, as well as during the subsequent certification of the translation, state fees are paid, which differ according to the certifying institution and the desired term of execution.
We at arte.doc offer special translation and legalization packages to meet the different budgets and needs of our clients. With the packages you will not only save time and effort, but also money, because for each package we provide you with -25% discount on the service price.
All packages and prices can be found in our Price List for translation and legalization.