When we created arte.doc in the year 2000, we started working with only the main 4 languages. Today, 21 years later, we at arte.doc Translation Agency can offer you quality translations in more than 100 language combinations, from and into 36 languages.
We work with over 2,300 Bulgarian and foreign translators for translation and interpretaion, experts in various specific fields—legal, medical, technological, financial, agriculture, marketing and more.
We also partner with other translation agencies when we need expert linguists with a mother tongue, unusual for the Bulgarian market. This way we can best meet your needs, requirements, and desires when you need a translation service.
Language groups for written translation
Translation agencies divide languages into groups according to complexity, number of language users, difficulty in finding expert translators, etc. Often the main groups are 3 in number—popular European languages, other European languages and Asian/exotic languages.
In arte.doc, in order to more accurately form the price for translation, the languages are divided into 5 groups.
First group: English, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian and French.
The first group consists of the most frequently used and sought-after European languages.
Numer 1 is of course English, the most widely spoken language in the world, spoken by almost 1.5 billion people. For translations from/into English we work with the so-called in-house translators who are available at any time to translate your documents.
For the languages of the first group we work with a large number of professional translators, which allows:
- extremely quick response and providing an offer upon request
- formation of expert teams of translators and editors
- experts in each terminological field
- shorter deadlines for order completion
The second group consists of popular European languages. Despite the proximity of Bulgaria with these countries, the languages of this group have specific characteristics, which necessitates their separation into a separate group.
Our many years of experience and cooperation with expert translators allows:
- quick response and providing an offer
- Formation of teams of linguists and editors for larger projects
- short deadlines for order completion
Third group: Dutch, Turkish, Romanian and Moldovan.
Fourth group: Swedish, Norwegian, Albanian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Slovak, Slovenian and Czech.
Fifth group: Hungarian, Danish, Finnish, Estonian, Latvian, Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, Korean, Persian, Japanese, Urdu, Hindi, Azerbaijani, Vietnamese, Hebrew, Kazakh, Ancient Greek and Latin.
These groups are formed by the not very popular European languages, Asian and exotic languages. There are few linguists in Bulgaria, but thanks to our partnership with foreign agencies, we can provide quality translations in any single language.
The need to find the right language specialist in a particular field, despite the rarity of these languages, can lead to a delay of several hours in preparing an offer.
How does language affect the translation price?
The prevalence and complexity of a language affect its distribution into a language group and the corresponding translation price. Translations from/into the common languages of the first group have the lowest price per translation page, and translations from/into the exotic languages of the fifth group—with the highest.
Most often the price for exotic languages is ‘negotiable’, which means that we can give a term and price only after we have received information about the type of documents, the complexity of the text and the deadline for implementation, and we have consulted with the relevant language specialist.
Transparency and correctness are key points in our company policy, so you can find our translation prices here on our website.
The translation price is calculated on the basis of one translation page compliant to БДС EN ISO 17100. Depending on the selected language combination, the discrepancy between the number of pages of source text and the number of pages of finished text may be more considerable.
Read more about what a translation page is and how to check the number of pages of your translation here.
Interpretation language groups
For interpretation (simultaneous and consecutive) we divide the languages into 3 groups.
First group:
- English
- Spanish
- Italian
- German
- French
In interpreting as well, the most common languages are separated into the first group. Having a large number of professionals with excellent language skills makes it easier and faster to hire an interpreter for an event, including in an emergency (for example on the same or the next day).
Second group:
- Greek
- Russian
- Polish
- Romanian
- Moldovan
- Macedonian
- Serbian
- Croatian
- Ukranian
- Turkish
- Slovak
- Slovenian
- Czech
Third group:
- Dutch
- Portuguese
- Swedish
- Norwegian
- Hungarian
- Arabic
- Hebrew
- Albanian
- Lithuanian
- Korean
- Japanese
- Armenian
- Azerbajani
- Vietnamese
- Estonian
- Chinese
- Persian
- Urdu
- Hindi
- Danish
- Latvian
The languages of the second and third groups require prior consultation with our fellow linguists dealing with interpretation on their ability to make the engagement/event.
How does language affect the interpretation price?
As with translations, interpretation from/into the first group of languages is at a lower price. But language is just one of the factors that determines the price of hiring your interpreter.
Consecutive interpretation is done by one interpreter if the event lasts up to 4 hours. For a longer engagement, it is mandatory to hire a team of at least two translators.
Simultaneous interpretation necessarily requires a team of two or more translators, so the price offered on our site is for a team. Here you can see the prices for interpreting.
Also, when performing simultaneous interpretation, translators need technical equipment, such as translation booths, microphones, headphones and more. If you do not have the necessary equipment available, we can provide it for your event.
The minimum billable time for the interpretation service is one astronomical hour for one interpreter. After the tenth minute of each subsequent astronomical hour, the translation is charged as a full hour.
Also, as with express written translation, if you have an express need for an interpreter, the price is negotiable, depending on the ability of our translators to respond.
How to find out the price for translation into the language you need?
All prices for translation and interpretation, as well as for our other services, you can find on our website here.
And our Online Translation Calculator allows you to calculate the approximate price of translating your specific document. If you prefer, you can also submit an Online Inquiry, and we will send you an offer with terms and prices.
What we offer you:
- Quality translation from/into 36 languages and over 100 language combinations, guaranteed by the international translation standard БДС EN ISO 17100, according to which we are certified.
- Transparent pricing—you can see all our prices and terms for the services we offer in the Services and Prices section.
- Free consultation—by phone, email, online chat or in person at our offices in Sofia
What distinguishes our work:
- Specially developed ARTE 5E system Guaranteed Quality Translation—allows our clients to receive a reliable translation, within the agreed term, with guaranteed security of the information provided.
- Preparation of a preliminary budget—regardless of the language in which you need a translation, based on our 21 years of experience, you will receive preliminary clarity about the expected price and volume of your project.
- Online order for translation—thanks to our service for easy online order in 3 steps through our site, you can place your order at any time, from anywhere in the world, and from any device.
If you need translation service, contact us for a free consultation on tel .: +395 896 731 605. As well, we expect you at email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and on site at our offices in Sofia.