Articles, news, videos, Facebook posts, Google advertising messages, descriptions of products and services on the site, advertising banners… The marketing content that a company must produce on a monthly basis to be on the crest of the wave is becoming more and more.
When that same content needs to be in several languages to help you expand your business in other countries as well, the task of coordinating the creation and translation of everything becomes really complex.
The synchronisation of the timely translation of each created material with the goal of meeting your pre-made posting plan can be difficult to achieve. Especially when it comes to different types of materials—text, images, presentations, videos.
Moreover, these are creative texts that should generate emotion in the one who reads them. It is not enough to make a literal translation word for word. The emotion and the idea must be conveyed, to create a new, exciting message in the respective language. This is the main task of transcreation, or the so-called creative translation.
Forming a multilingual marketing team that is responsible for all steps in this process is a complicated and, above all, expensive task. Coordinating tasks between everyone would cost a lot of time and money, which makes even the most effective advertising strategy meaningless.
In such tangled multilingual situations, one of the easy solutions is to contact a translation agency. And an even easier solution is to take advantage of our new service—‘Subscription for periodic web content translation’, which we offer especially for our corporate clients.
It will be useful to you in a number of ways, and for this purpose we will present you 5 of the main benefits this service can provide for you and your business.
Quality translation of your advertising messages
Our experienced translators will best convey your advertising message in the respective language. We will take care of preserving the sound, the idea, and the emotion of the message, but we will say it in such a way that it reaches the minds and hearts of the foreign audience without sounding artificial.Transcreation and localization are key in such translation projects, and it is important that the agency that you trust with this knows what is needed to achieve the results you are looking for.
Word games or rhymes cannot and should not be translated word for word. Don’t let your copywriters’ ideas get lost in the translation. We will convey your message in the language of your customers!
Respecting the deadlines
A good marketing plan and the materials included in it work best only when you follow a strict publishing schedule. When you entrust the translation of the texts to a reliable agency, it will respect and comply with your marketing deadlines and all translations will be ready on time.Following developed procedures ensures the provision of quality service on time. Thanks to our certification according to БДС ISO 17100:2015-05 and our internally developed company software Arte-Manager, each of your orders can be tracked at any given moment.
We know how important it is for you not to waste time and we will help you translate your advertising and marketing materials in the timeframes you need—be it a quick or express order.
Easy work process that saves you time and effort
Once we have clarified your needs, we will deliver the finished translations with high quality and always on time, in accordance with your posting plan, without the need to send us reminder emails.Your client profile will include the requirements for the project, which will be followed by our managers, translators, and editors. That way, all you have to do is send us the files to be translated—without unnecessary explanations.
We will just do our job well, and this will save you not only time but also unnecessary stress.
Return on investment
Did you know that a large percentage of people who shop online are much more likely to do so if the website or online store has a version in their native language?This means that it is no longer enough for your website and its content to be translated just into English—to reach effectively new foreign audiences, you need to speak their language.
And if they can quickly and easily find you on Google, in social networks, and social media, then they are even more likely to become your clients. Quality translation is an investment in your business and its international development.
Flexible plans for translation of marketing content
When you trust us to translate your marketing content, you will be able to choose between three different pricing plans according to the volume and type of materials you create per month—Basic, Premium and Optimum.
Each of them can be adapted to best suit your needs.
You write two articles a week, but you don’t create infographics? You create ‘how to’ videos, but you don’t write a lot of blog texts?—No problem, the plan will be designed to match the materials you create so that you will not have to pay more than necessary.
We can translate from and into 36 languages your posts for social networks, ads, blog content, videos, subtitles, banner ads and much more.
Contact us to help you expand your business into new markets.
We always provide a free consultation for subscription for web content translation by phone: +359 896 731 605 and by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..