What is the difference between translation and localisation? Why do you need localisation? When is language localisation necessary?
In this article we will give answers to often posed questions by our clients.
Quote from Wikipedia: “Language localisation(from English locale, where something happens or is situated) is the second stage of a more extensive process of translation and cultural adaptation of a product (for certain countries, regions or social groups), taking into account the differences between different markets. This process is known as internationalisation and localisation. Language localisation does not only cover the translation of the product, but also requires an in-depth study of the target culture in order to properly adapt the product to local needs."
What is the difference between translation and localisation?
Translation is a process by which the meaning of text or speech is transmitted from one language to another, and the translation must adhere as closely as possible to both the meaning and the form of the original text.
Translation is measurable. It is measured under BDS (Bulgarian state standard) based on a standard 1800-character page of the complete translation, with spaces, using the word count option -> Characters with spaces.
Localisation is a process of cultural adaptation of the translated texts, such as website content, software, marketing materials and product portfolios, to a specific country or region.
Key examples of localisation of content can be: currency, time and date designations, addresses, telephone numbers, units of measurement, numbers, keyboard adjustment, abbreviations, personal names, etc.
Important! These seemingly small details can cost you an entire potential market.
Language localisation includes both translation and cultural adaptation to take into account the differences in non-domestic markets. Translation is fundamental here, but it is not sufficient. A further study of local culture is needed for a smooth and correct adaptation.
Localisation cannot be exactly quantified as translation can. It can be priced on an hourly rate, depending on the material - specifics, topic, volume. It can also be priced together with translation, if upon assignment of the translation the client specified their need for localisation and for which country and market it will be used.
When is language localisation necessary?
If you have a working business in Bulgaria, a recognizable brand, a good marketing strategy; if you have achieved satisfactory results in our market, but you want to enter new territories that will help you to maximize the potential of the products and/or services you offer, you need to localise your texts for the specific country in which you are planning to operate.
Today, thanks to the Internet, this is a relatively easy task and you can easily start selling on different markets. Whether you are a manufacturer or you are acting as a drop shipping platform, your online content must be translated and localized in the target languages.
With the translation and localisation of your web site, you could reach millions of consumers and stand out from your competitors – an important condition for today's global market.
Why do you need localisation?
International competitiveness and professional image building are based on well-translated web content and professional localisation. This is the secret of any international marketing strategy.
A multilingual site is essential. A number of global brands reach their potential customers around the world by increasing the languages in which they localize their platforms.
Here an important question arises:
"Do I plan on developing my business only or mainly in countries where English is the official language?"
If so, you shouldn’t count on translation alone being enough. In this situation, localisation is the key.
English is the official language in nearly 50 countries and there are certainly cultural differences between countries such as Australia, Zimbabwe, England, India (all countries where English is official), etc.
For example: In different countries, society may differ according to a number of criteria: be more conservative, have different faiths, different ways of life and values. In Eastern and African cultures, there are also fundamental differences from the average European concerning the perception and symbolism of colours. For example, white, which is considered pure and divine, associated with light and goodness in our culture, is considered a colour of mourning in Asia and Africa.
The direction of the text from right to left in Hebrew and Arabic, the presence or absence of pictures, gifs and/or other kinds of animations should also be considered.
How can we help you with your localisation needs?
Localisation is mainly used for translation of software, web-based applications, web pages, software content, video games, product descriptions and manuals, distance learning platforms, etc.
Based on our 20 years of experience we have established a working system related to the localisation service, in three stages:
Stage 1: We have developed a company system of specific questions, to determine the exact localisation parameters and to clarify all details: the specific location (country, region) where the translation will be used, the specifics of the activity and the audience to which the text is aimed.
Stage 2:We select the translators according to our company standards and your requirements. Our aim is to find the right team of translators for your needs, in order to deliver a quality translation and localisation of the text.
Stage 3: Providing an estimate budget for you to have before you decide to assign us the job.
What sets us apart?
1. Selection of the translation team:
All our translators go through a staged approval process.
The first stage includes document assessment– diplomas, certificates, etc., certifying the completed education and/or acquired professional qualification
The second stage involves a practical test (test of skills and experience through trial translation in a specific field), assessed by a team of our long-term translators.
The third stage involves assessment of practical experience, certified by submitting completed translation and localisation projects. An additional plus is for the translator to be a “native speaker” in the requested target language.
By following this selection system, we guarantee that the localisation carried out by our translators will be professional and of high quality.
2. Confidentiality of the provided information
We have a policy in place to ensure the confidentiality of the information you provide to us before and after the project is completed. This is particularly important in forthcoming products or products that are making an entrance on the external market.
Our managers and linguists sign a privacy statement for each project.
3. Attention to detail
Localisation is a cycle, not a one-off project.
For example: The content of a company's original website will be updated over time, new texts and new content will be added. We will be right there with you for the whole update cycle.
Your collaboration with the designated manager at every stage of the localisation project results in systematic results and traceability of the task assigned, so that in subsequent projects the same database is used and there is consistency in the terminology.
Advice: Quality research and investment in proper localisation is essential. For you and your business, this is much more valuable than rushing head-first into translation into countless languages.
If you want your brand to break through to new markets, we will help you reach them through your adapted content.
For information related to the location service, you can contact our Corporate clients Department at: +359 896 731 605, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We are here for you at every new step!
* More information about translation and legalization cases is available in our blog of useful articles here.
* You can read reviews from clients here.
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