People nowadays increasingly want to obtain good results fast and for a lower price. However, we all know that it is almost impossible to get a high quality service or product in a really short time and at a very low price.
This, however, might be a little bit more possible in the world of translation services with the advance of technology and numerous innovations, the main one being neural machine translation.
What does the machine translation service entail ?
Machine translation is a branch of computer linguistics that studies the use of software in order to translate a text from one language into another without human assistance. There are various types of machine translation - rule-based, statistical or neural, which are suitable for different needs.
The need for ever faster and more effective translation of any kind of content has brought about the mass spread of machine translation, such as what is offered by Google Translate, Amazon Translate, etc.
What machine translation allows is the instantaneous translation of texts in various language combinations and on various topics. Yes, this saves money and time. You can get a translation after zero waiting time and for zero amount of money.
However, what comes out as the end result may have omissions in the translation or contain errors, which might make it impossible to achieve the ultimate goal. Here is where professional translation agencies come in.
Besides using specialized translation software which allows the creation of terminological databases in various languages and for various business fields on the basis of the experience accumulated, as well as the creation of a work system, it is also necessary to know how to use new technologies, which allow machine translation to be integrated into translation software.
At this stage the agency can offer post-editing of various types, which can improve the quality of the final product and satisfy the client's needs for a short deadline in case of large volumes, as well as a reduced price.
What is post-editing ?
When you need to have a large volume of text translated and you need it in a short time, it is no longer necessary to choose between machine translation and human translation. By using post-editing of neural machine translation, a human factor is added to the equation and the possibility for errors and omissions is eliminated.

In this case, the translator receives the original text and a so-called "raw material", obtained by machine translation.What follows is editing, during which the translator (a language and terminology expert) corrects the text and improves its quality.
Types of post-editing
Machine Translation Light Post-Editing (MTLPE)
Light post-editing is most frequently used for the translation of in-house communication and company texts which will not be submitted to other companies, institutions, administrations, etc.Its quality is not comparable to that of a human translation - it is possible that there are punctuation errors, stylistic inaccuracies, as well as grammatical errors. The translator performs minimal corrections, ensuring, however, that there are no omissions of content or errors that change the meaning of the text or impede correct understanding.
Machine Translation Full Post-Editing (MTFPE)
Full post-editing is used when the finished translation needs to be as close as possible to the level and quality of translations done entirely by a human translator (the so-called "human translation"). The translator carries out a careful correction, removing errors of any kind, and may also make stylistic corrections.Using a specialized translation software enables the use of correct terminology.
The time necessary for a full post-editing is more than the time devoted to light post-editing (MTLPE), but it allows the translation and editing of larger volumes in shorter time with a good quality of the final translation.
The precise time varies depending on the quality of the "raw product", which in turn depends on the source text for translation and the type of machine translation used.
What is important to know?
Neural machine translation, coupled with terminological databases and dictionary resources, is a good option for some business fields, especially with short deadlines. It is not a suitable choice, however, when you need to have a creative marketing or advertising text translated, because computers do not have the capacity to render the emotional dimension that is so important for this type of text.
What are some of the main benefits of post-editing for the business?
Undoubtedly, with the use of machine translation you can save time and money, but the potential subsequent problems brought about by omissions of content and incorrectly rendered content might cost you a lot of effort.
Professional post-editing of neural machine translation eliminates these situations, ensuring that, whatever the chosen option (light or full), the finished translation will not contain wrong or incorrect information, unacceptable content or errors that change the main meaning of the text.
If your company needs to have large volumes of texts or documents translated, for example related to staff training,which is only meant for in-house use, then you can save time and money by relying on our services for expert post-editing.
For the translation of documents which will be submitted to institutions or partner companies, or even when applying for tenders, you can use neural machine translation with full post-editing in order to save time and comply with deadlines
How can we help you?

Moreover, since 2022 we have been selected as one of the main subcontractors of the European Commission for post-editing of machine translation from and into Bulgarian.
We have created and developed the ARTE 5Е system for guaranteed quality translation, with integrated processes for approval and selection of our language experts - translators and editors in specific terminological fields.
By adding the ISO 18587:2019 standard to our portfolio, we also created a training method for our translators and editors in the field of post-editing. In this way, we guarantee that the specific criteria for post-editing, corresponding to our clients' requirements for the quality of the translation service provided, will be strictly followed.
This year, we will reveal the characteristics of machine translation and post-editing services through a series of useful and up-to-date articles.
If you would like to know more about how technical innovations may save time and from 10% to 30% of your company money, contact us for a free consultation by phone: +359 896 731 605 or e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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