We offer employers services such as: Occupational Medicine Service; Measurements of the factors of the working environment and of the electrical installations and equipment up to 1,000 V; Preventive medical examinations; Carrying out trainings on Healthy and Safe Working Conditions; Installation, repair and technical supervision of Facilities with Increased Danger.
We submit our offers to foreign clients for Bulgarian-to-English translation to ARTE.DOC, because they work on a proven system Guaranteed Quality Translation, respond quickly to our request and meet the agreed deadline.
The scope of our activity covers the requirements of normative documents, which requires us to be extremely careful when choosing suppliers.
Our excellent cooperation with arte.doc Translation Agency allows us to recommend the company as a qualified, reliable and correct partner, as they respect the GDPR and the confidentiality of the submitted company information.
Rumyana Samuneva - "Optima-Si"
Date: 01.02.2022